A humorous exploration of a Canadian's life in Australia.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nothing says "you eat too much" quite like a stomache flu

I've been wrestling with a bug since last Tuesday morning, I'm pretty sure I'm over the worst of it now, but I'm still well on guard. Combine the lack of appetite, expedited exit of pretty much anything I eat or drink, and the extra excercise sprinting to the washroom, needless to say I've lost a few kilos. And that is a good thing.

Probably the only good thing that can come from a stomache flu is the chance to "reset" your appetite. Not only in what you eat, but more importantly, how much you eat. As I've begun gingerly returning to the dinner table to eat something, just enough to not provoke a rapid sprint a hour later, I realized how much beyond "enough" I put away every meal. Right now I'm eating probably a bit less than 1/2 what I normally do, and I'm not getting hungry.

I know that when you eat too much, your stomache stretches which means it doesn't feel full next time until you put more food in it. Then when you over-do it again it stretches more, leaving you eating far more than you should be. The fix is to eat slower, and eat less, so that the stomache starts to shrink back down to normal size. But the stomache sends powerful signals, so sometimes you need something that sends a more powerful signal.

So, the next time you feel the motivation to start losing weight, give yourself the edge and catch a good strong bug. The urge NOT to end up spending 5/10 minutes on the toilet completely blocks the normal "Feed me Seymour!"

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About Me

I live around sunny Brisbane working around the city and generally trying not to make too much of a nuisance of myself.